Monday, 27 February 2017

{English} Wires and Nerve (Wires and Nerve #1) - Marissa Meyer, Douglas Holgate

For fans of: the rest of the Lunar Chronicles, Sailor Moon
Published: 2017
Pages: 240

Blurb: In her first graphic novel, bestselling author Marissa Meyer extends the world of the Lunar Chronicles with a brand-new, action-packed story about Iko, the android with a heart of (mechanized) gold. When rogue packs of wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten the tenuous peace alliance between Earth and Luna, Iko takes it upon herself to hunt down the soldiers' leader. She is soon working with a handsome royal guard who forces her to question everything she knows about love, loyalty, and her own humanity. With appearances by Cinder and the rest of the Rampion crew, this is a must-have for fans of the bestselling series.

My opinion: When I first heard about this graphic novel, I wasn't sure if I wanted to read it. "Winter", the last novel in the Lunar Chronicles already felt drawn out and I though Marissa Meyer was only trying to get even more money out of this series. But then I had a cupon and decided to spend it on this book. And I'm so glad I did!

The book itself is already really pretty, I like the design of it. The pages themselves are all blue and I think that's really matching. 
Iko is the perfect main character for this, I already liked her in the other books. What bothers me with all of them, is that there's a lot of diversity, but all the couples are straight. I'm afraid that will also be the case for Iko and I-forgot-his-name.
It was fun seeing the other characters again, especially Thorne, because he was my favourite.
All the travelling around the world was really fun and Iko is doing a great job. Even though Iko is an android, she's not perfect.
This graphic novel felt way too short, because I read it within a few hours. Now I can't wait for more!

My rating: 5/5 Buttons

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